Diagnosing multiple sclerosis and other demyelinating conditions
考试没有用when a clear diagnosis is already known because a positive result does not correlate with severity of the disease or disease outcomes.
Free Light Chain, spinal fluid
为了评估多发性硬化症,多发性硬化症(MS),血清和脊髓液,SFIG /脑脊液IgG指数谱,血清和脊髓液以及寡聚 /寡球束带,血清和脊髓液,仍然可以作为单独有序测试可用。
In addition, a multiple sclerosis profile (MSP3 / Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Profile, Serum and Spinal Fluid) is available. This profile starts with immunoglobulin kappa free light chain testing. When that is borderline or elevated, additional testing for oligoclonal banding will be performed and results interpreted accordingly.
如果不以电子方式订购,请完成,打印并发送神经学专业测试客户测试请求(T732) with the specimen.
Gross hemolysis | Reject |
大黄色 | 好的 |
标本类型 | 温度 | 时间 | 特殊容器 |
CSF | 冷冻(首选) | 28天 | |
冷藏 | 72小时 | ||
周围的 | 24小时 |
Diagnosing multiple sclerosis and other demyelinating conditions
考试没有用when a clear diagnosis is already known because a positive result does not correlate with severity of the disease or disease outcomes.
常规使用与IgG特异性免疫印迹(IgG-IEF)结合的等电聚焦电泳可识别特定于CNS的免疫球蛋白。该方法是MS,IE,寡克隆带(Olig /寡克隆带,血清和脊髓液)中使用的诊断标准的一部分。然而,寡克隆带是一种劳动密集型技术,包括对配对CSF和血清的IgG带的主观解释。
该测试在浓度大于或等于0.1000 mg/dL的浓度下作为医疗决策点,其灵敏度为70.4%,特异性为86.8%。该测试和寡克隆带分析之间的差异在统计学上不显着(p = 0.20),并且2个测试显示出可比的性能。但是,该测试不需要配对的血清标本,为结果提供较短的周转时间和客观的定量结果。
this testing is most useful in patients presenting with a clinically isolated syndrome, which is a clinical episode where patient reports symptoms (headaches, optic neuritis, fatigue, and many others, depending on the disease location) characteristic of inflammation and demyelination of the CNS, and needs to be checked by a neurologist. This is when the likelihood of a diagnosis of MS is greater or most likely but not yet known or confirmed. CSF laboratory testing is also strongly recommended in cases where the imaging findings are atypical and in populations in which MS is less common (eg, children, older individuals, or non-White populations).
医疗决策点:0.1000 mg/dl
正:>或= 0.1000 mg/dl
边界:0.0600 mg/dl-0.0999 mg/dl
负<0.0600 mg/dl
when a result is less than 0.0600 mg/dL, the kappa free light-chain concentration measured in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is lower than the threshold associated with demyelinating disease. This is a negative result. Clinical correlation is recommended.
when result is between 0.0600 and 0.0999 mg/dL, this is a borderline result. These findings are not specific for multiple sclerosis (MS) because CSF-specific immunoglobulin synthesis may also be detected in patients with other neurologic diseases (infectious, inflammatory, cerebrovascular, autoimmune, and paraneoplastic). If clinically indicated, consider additional CSF testing such as oligoclonal banding by isoelectric focusing and CSF IgG index.
when result is greater than or equal to 0.1000 mg/dL, the kappa free light chain concentration measured in CSF is at or greater than the threshold associated with demyelinating disease. This is a positive result. These findings, however, are not specific for MS because CSF-specific immunoglobulin synthesis may also be detected in patients with other neurologic diseases (infectious, inflammatory, cerebrovascular, autoimmune, and paraneoplastic). If clinically indicated, consider additional CSF testing such as oligoclonal banding by isoelectric focusing and CSF IgG index.
梅奥诊所的一项研究于2018年发表,有325名患者表明,CSF中的无链球链浓度大于或等于0.06 mg/dl,在多发性硬化症的诊断中具有92.5%的临床敏感性。(1)(1)
第二次较大的Mayo诊所研究,在2021年发表了1355例患者,表明大于或等于0.06 mg/dl的Kappa CSF浓度的敏感性约为89%。当Kappa水平大于或等于0.1 mg/dL时,它具有与发现两个独特的CSF寡克隆条带(89%)相似的敏感性(87%)。(2)
修订的2017年麦当劳标准建立了至少2个脑脊液(CSF)特异性寡克隆带作为时间传播的替代品。中枢神经系统in imaging studies have to grow over time and that new lesions are expected and confirm disease progression. Before the 2017 revision, patients would wait up to 6 months for a confirmed diagnosis to fulfill the definitive diagnostic criteria for multiple sclerosis.
基于一项已发表的Mayo诊所研究,有325名受试者this test alone demonstrates comparable performance to寡聚 /寡克隆带,血清和脊髓液along with increased sensitivity for demyelinating diseases.(1) Replacing an寡聚 /寡克隆带,血清和脊髓液测试Kappa免费轻链测试将减轻对血清和CSF IgG和白蛋白的需求,并计算出转化率。
一秒钟在Mayo Clinic分析了1300多名患者样本的队列,其中159名参与者患有脱髓鞘疾病,以验证325名受试者的首次研究结果。
在这个较大的队列中,当2个独特的CSF带作为阳性临界值时,Mayo临床寡聚 /寡克隆带,血清和脊髓液检验的临床灵敏度为74%,临床特异性为88%。KAPPA游离轻链测试在大于或等于0.1000 mg/dl的浓度下作为医疗决策点,其灵敏度为70%,特异性为87%。两项测试之间的差异在统计上不显着(p = 0.20)。这两个测试显示出可比的性能,无需配对的血清样品,较短的转弯时间以进行结果和客观的定量结果。(2)
1. Gurtner KM,Shosha E,Bryant SC等:CSF自由轻链鉴定脱髓鞘疾病:与寡克隆带和其他CSF指数的比较。Clin Chem Lab Med。2018 Jun; 56(7):1071-1080
2. Saadeh RS,Bryant SC,McKeon A等:CSF Kappa Free Light Chains:用于诊断多发性硬化症的截止验证。Mayo Clin。2022年4月; 97(4):738-751。doi:10.1016/j.mayocp.2021.09.014
3. Thompson AJ,Banwell BL,Barkhof F等:多发性硬化症的诊断:2017年麦当劳标准的修订。柳叶刀神经病学。2018年2月; 17(2):162-173
4. Saadeh R,Pittock S,Bryant S等人:CSF Kappa游离光链是多发性硬化症中寡克隆带的潜在定量替代品。美国神经病学会年会。宾夕法尼亚州费城。2019
5. Awad A,Hemmer B,Hartung HP,Kieseier B,Bennett JL,Stuve O:在诊断和监测多发性硬化症中对脑脊液的分析。J Neuromunol。2010; 219:1-7
6. Hassan-Smith G,Durant L,Tsentemeidou A等人:估计脑脊液升高的高灵敏度和特异性,可疑多发性硬化症。J Neuromunol。2014; 276(1-2):175-179
7. PressLauer S,Milosavljevic D,Brucke T等:CSF中的Kappa游离光链的水平升高,支持多发性硬化症的诊断。J Neurol。2008年10月; 255(10):1508-1514
8. PressLauer S,Milosavljevic D,Brucke T等:在多发性硬化症和临床分离的综合征中,验证Kappa游离光链作为诊断生物标志物的验证:一项多中心研究。多砂型。2016年4月; 22(4):502-10
9. PressLauer S,Milosavljevic D,Hubl W,Parigger S,Schneider-Koch G,Bruecke T:Kappa Free Light链:MS和CIS中的诊断和预后相关性。PLOS ONE。2014年2月; 9(2):E89945
10. Makshakov G,Nazarov V,Kochetova O,Surkova E,Lapin S,Evdoshenko E:临床上隔离综合征中免疫球蛋白无光链的脑脊髓液浓度的诊断和预后价值,并转化为多发性粘虫病。PLOS ONE。2015年11月; 10(11):E0143375
In this nephelometric method, the light scattered onto the antigen-antibody complexes is measured. The intensity of the measured scattered light is proportional to the amount of antigen-antibody complexes in the sample under certain conditions.
通过从初始测量中减去最终测量值来计算结果。散射光强度的分布取决于抗原 - 抗体复合物与辐射波长的粒径比。指令手册的附录2.3,08/2017)
Monday through Friday
测试ID | test Order Name | 订单loinc值 |
KCSF | Kappa Free Light Chain, CSF | 48774-4 |
结果ID | 测试结果名称 | 结果lainc值
KCSF | Kappa Free Light Chain, CSF | 48774-4 |